Overcoming internal/external hazardous situations
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An example for the hospital emergency plan in the event of a disaster
The Planning of such situations
In Germany civil protection is regulated at the Länder level (state level).
In the Krankenhausgestaltungsgesetzes (hospital regulations) of North Rhine Westphalia
Every hospital in NRW has a legal responsibility to meet the requirements of this law.
This presentation will cover how such responsibilities can be managed and consider how some of the resulting challenges can be addressed.
There is a range of possibilities to look at this topic. The legal requirements are defined in the individual state law. Disaster management is regulated at the state level.
However minimising civil protection “risk” is principally the responsibility of the hospital management and this is where the so-called ‘organisational fault’ can play a role as well.
Hence we can see that there is a legally binding responsibility for the hospital together with a responsibility on the part of the management to arrange an organisation, which would continue to function in the event of an emergency.
Further there are legal requirements by the accident insurances with regards to prevention of hazards for the employees in the hospitals.
Some examples are:
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Berufsgenossenschaft Regulation on Safety and Health at Work (BGV A1) Principle of Prevention
Building regulations (regulatory requirements for the building permissions)
Which events could occur?
Plane crash, train crash, car pile-up, and accidents in companies....
Fire, bomb alarm, bomb discovery (especially in urban areas
.... Disruption of infrastructure, pandemics,
How does one deal with such responsibilities?
3-Step Method:
The crux of the matter:
Which facilities are there in Germany?
Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz (AKNZ) in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Leitfaden Krankenhauseinsatzplanung, Fachverlag Matthias Grimm, Berlin
Practical help:
Disaster management advisor
Address of the author:
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Köhler-Waimann HP
Technische Unternehmensberatung Dipl.-Ing. Köhler-Waimann
Präventa – Betriebsmedizin & Arbeitssicherheit ®
Herbartstraße 11
58453 Witten
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